A chromebook is a small laptop that you can play with and do your work on. The reason why we got chromebooks is because our class is the e-learning class. We have made e-Portfolios than you can find our blog that shows what we are learning to do plus our news.When we are on a chromebook we had to sign in and use our password. We also have to take a picture so if we go of the chromebook you will see your picture and you can click it and add your password.

In Room 15 we have a cow that we put our chromebooks inside and it chargers our chromebook for the next day if we use it. You can lock them up safe so no one can steal it. But I forgot if someone steals our chromebooks won’t work out of school because it doesn’t have the code of dawson. In our class we also have a 3rd printer that make lot of different things that is made out of plastic.
By Rita